Last week on the high speed train dedicated to the Social Media Week Rome I was speaking with @fraintesa @daniele_ferrari about the Galaxy Tab. And both we agree Galaxy Tab won’t be a success.
These are the reasons:
- Too Small to be an ipad: for reading easily and interactively newspapers, journals, books
- Too Big to be a phone: it’s bulky & awkward if you wanna make a phone call with built-in speakers, broadcasting the call with all the world; and if you use headsets, in many cases people got issues.
- Slower than an eeePc to produce contents: larger screen and keyboard make eeePCs ideal to produce contents
- Hand ache on writing hard: in general tablets have no keyboard and if you write a lot the pressure of the finger on the screen is harder than on keyboard’s keys and you could frequently suffer of hand ache
- Too expensive! Not everybody want to spend that price for an half tablet.